Ok, so it’s been a bit more than three and a half weeks, but you get the idea…
There wasn’t much to report at the end of last week, so no post occurred… There still isn’t much to report but I just know you are on the edge of your seat with curiosity…. So, here is a brief update.
1) Great news! On Friday, we started the floors…. I would tell you which one of the stain options we chose, but you will have to wait. The wood floors should be done this week, and I plan to do a video tour update as soon as I can. Once the floors are done we can finally move in.
2) We are moving! Finally….. Movers are scheduled, and we have a moving date for next week. Yoav and I have been packing up the current place (mostly his stuff) in preparation to move the relatively short distance to our new home. Just yesterday, Yoav said to me that he is officially “checked out” of his home of the past 15 years and ready to move on…. I of course never “checked-in” to our current place since moving in this past January and have basically felt as though I am in limbo for this past eight months. It will be nice to finally be in our future home, even though there will be no functioning kitchen for a while and years of work ahead of us.
3) Meanwhile, back at the rental… Reno work on the kitchen will finally begin (as soon as we move out). While we had hoped to get the rental kitchen renovation completed this past summer, reality changed our plans and the new fridge and (unconnected) stove are still sitting in the living room. As soon as we get all of our crap out, the kitchen reno can begin…. I am hoping to start next week. Getting the rental ready isn’t just redoing the kitchen…. We also have to sand and refinish the floors, paint the entire apartment, and do some minor repairs (which Yoav has obliviously managed to live with for several years). It is only after we get the rental ready that I can seriously begin work on the new place (and get a functioning kitchen).
4) Meanwhile back at the new place…. The dry rot in the kitchen floor in the new apartment is being repaired this week. Our plans for the new kitchen floor have changed more times than I change my underwear in a week (which is at least once a day)… I will devote an entire post to the kitchen floor, all of the variations on what we have planned to do, as well as what we are finally going to do. But you are going to have to wait for that… In case you missed it, you can see the condition of the floors in this short video.
5) This blog…. Thank you readers! My audience is still smallish (about 100 or so readers)…. But the feedback I am getting on Half Classic Six has been nothing short of amazing…. Clearly others are as curious about what we are doing to the new place as we are excited to do it. Please feel free to share this with your friends, I love feedback…. Leave a comment here, or on Facebook…. I would be thrilled if you shared this on your Facebook or Twitter (click the buttons below this post)
6) Future posts…. Stay tuned folks…. There will be lots of future posts on all of the fun and adventures we are having with fixing up our Half Classic Six.