Onward and Forward….

[Photo: My now former home in Hell’s Kitchen.]

Things around here have been a bit quiet lately. Not because I have nothing to write about or want to say, but because we are simply in a holding pattern at the moment. The purchase process of our dream home (the purpose of this blog) is still ongoing. God willing, we will close before the end of August.

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Inspiration in Gray, and Red, and Teal

[Photo: This is a beautiful room, although I think it could use a tad bit more red. Source – House and Garden UK, November 2012]
I am not an interior designer. But I do have my own distinctive sense of style. I know what I do like and what I don’t like. (I am also very fortunate and grateful to have a supportive husband who appreciates my sense of style, and lets me do almost anything when it comes to our home’s interior design.)

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