I would like to say that I am not materialistic, but that would be a lie, and I am not a good liar. And while I may not have any want for status objects desired most by others (fancy cars, jewelry, designer clothes, etc…) I do have a strong sense of aesthetics and a strong opinion that end user experience is of utmost importance. Form should follow function and sometimes that function is to just look beautiful.
So from time to time, I plan to do a post about a material object that I have obtained (or lusted after) and this is my first post about a material object.
I stumbled across this post on Remodelista featuring two marble clocks. A high end one and a low end one. The high end one is lovely (but at $270, not that lovely), but it was the low end clock that I immediately fell in love with. The absolutely simple, yet bold black hands against the natural veining of the 12″ marble face is in my opinion the essence of good design.
And as it turns out, it is on clearance at an unbelievable $29.95 (as of this writing) from Crate and Barrel. I quickly ordered it, and a few days later it arrived. I couldn’t wait to get it up on the wall in our kitchen. (Given it was so inexpensive, I ordered without consulting with Yoav. Fortunately, he loved it too.)
It is even more beautiful than the images show. The utter simplicity of the hands, and the fact that although the face is functional-ish, it is also very beautiful.The lack of numbers only means it is used to tell the approximate time, which on the wall in the kitchen is perfectly fine.
So form follows function, and that function is absolutely beautiful.
Look for more Material Objects to be posted from time to time as I discover gems too good to keep to myself.
Material Objects is an occasional series where I post about good design and my personal lust for the objects I am fortunate to have in my life. See other Material Objects posts