Lest you think I have abandoned my new blog, rest assured, I have not.
Life has just been busy…. I mean like extremely busy. I have been too focused on other things to sit down and write. But I have several posts started, and there is much more to come… In the meantime, I am going to post a few teaser photos to keep you interested (I hope).
First up…. The rental… (Remember that?)
I posted about it last summer and after several months of nights and weekends, it is finally ready for a tenant (this is why I have been so damned busy this past three months). More will be revealed in a future post, but in the meantime, the above shot is a small example of what our new tenant will have in their new kitchen.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, er… Half Classic Six:
In what little spare time I have had since moving in this past September, I have done little things around the new apartment such as boiling brass hardware (there will be a whole post devoted to it).
Other things we have accomplished at the new place are in the realm of things most of us take for granted.
The kitchen… For the first few months of living in our new home, we kept our food cold in the old refrigerator inconveniently located in the living room near the entry hall, cooked or rather heated food in the microwave in the center hall (no stove), and washed dishes in the bathroom sink.
Finally….. As of yesterday, we can cook, clean, and keep food cold, all in the same room. It is a miracle! Who knew having all of these things in the same room would make life so much easier! Mind you, it is not a complete kitchen, in fact it is only a temporary kitchen. But the basics are there, and while we will need to wait to get the real kitchen, we have at least been able to acquire the real stove and fridge of our future kitchen.
Our new stove is beyond amazing, but we can’t use all of the features such as the convection oven (not enough electricity in the kitchen yet).
Our new fridge is also amazing (tower LED lighting. Oh My!), but like the stove, it is not fully functional yet as there is no water line to supply the ice-maker.
What’s the hold up….?
We are waiting for this:
This is the as not yet available (in the US) Laxarby cabinets we hope to install in our kitchen this coming spring. Yes, they are black (inside and out). Yes, I want black cabinets. Yes, it will be fabulous! Of course, you will need to wait to find out more….
As for the rest of the apartment…. There is so very much to do, but we have at least temporarily made a part of the living room livable. This shot is a hint at what is to come as well as a gratuitous opportunity to post a picture of Fritz!
I scored a major find on eBay. It will be months before I can put it to use, but this will be one hell of a showstopper.
I hope I have piqued your curiosity and perhaps even whet your appetite for the transformation.