Painted in WaterlogueEndorsements:

Occasionally on Half Classic Six you will read about products or services I have used or worked with during the process of renovation and decoration in my home. You may also read about items which I have fallen in love with and must have because they are awesome, as well as other products and services. By my writing about various products and services, I am doing so based only on my experience and my opinions.

If I show excitement about a particular product or service, it is because I am genuinely excited about it. While I may personally endorse a particular product or service on HC6, this should not be taken as an indication that you will have the same experience.

Likewise, you may read about a product I am not happy about. It is not my intention to defame any product or service which I write about. It is not my nature to talk trash, but I am not afraid to express my opinion about an experience or product which I have used. I will also make no claims about any experience you may have with any product or service I write about.

As of this writing, I have not received any products or services from manufacturers or service providers with any expectation that they be used and my experience written about. If such an occasion should arise, I will be completely transparent and you will know that I have received such opportunity.


You can see that there is no advertising on my site. This is because I would prefer to keep my site and my opinions as objective as possible. While it is entirely possible that at some point in the future I may choose to change my site and add minimal advertising, you can be sure that anything I may put on the site will be well vetted and reviewed before doing so. I cannot promote anything I do not personally believe in.


Everyone who knows me knows well that I have one and I am not afraid to express it. Just know it is mine and while I may not always agree, I will always respect the opinions of others.

Images and Link Backs:

I frequently use images found elsewhere on the Internets, and believe that credit is due to those who produce the original content. In using images, I try my best to take the time to explore and locate the original image source whenever reasonably possible. That means that while I may have found an image in a typical image search or aggregator, if I am able to determine that it came from elsewhere, I will post a link back to that source. I will occasionally post an image where I cannot determine the source, and will make every effort to disclose such information. If I have posted an image to which you have rights to and have not properly credited it, please contact me and I will do my best to comply with your request for credit or if necessary, remove the image.

Images which I have created with my equipment are automatically to be credited to myself even if I have used third party applications to alter such images (such as the pretty watercolor of my building at the top of this page).