Material Objects – Componibili

Material ObjectsThis past weekend I walked into our bathroom and the sun was shining through the textured glass of our rather large window and a big smile came across my face. It’s not as though the sun doesn’t shine often in our bathroom, or that I never have a smile on my face while in the bathroom, but the sight of our bold red Componibili sitting next to the window with a bit of greenery on top just made me smile.

What the hell is a Componibili?

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Finally…. The Big Living Room Reveal

OK, I know you all have been patiently waiting with baited breath to see the living room in all its glory….

OK, I know two or three of my readers have been patiently waiting with baited breath to see the living room in all its glory….

Well, finally….. The living room reveal is here. But first a few thoughts and a bit of background….

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Patience Grasshopper – Sneak Peek!

OK… So I know I promised that I would have a full reveal of the living room last week, and I shot a bunch of pictures with my trusty iPhone… But after looking at the photos, it was clear that they didn’t quite capture what I was hoping to convey. Mea culpa…. Oy!

It was obvious to me that I needed to re-shoot the room and use a better camera to better capture the space.

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The Big Oops and the Big Fix – Center Hall, Part Two

A few weeks back, I wrote about the The Big Oops and the Big Fix in our center hall. The tale of my making a huge dumb-ass choice in paint color for the ceiling, and then the magical fix a few hours later.

I am sure after last weeks posts about the black ceiling (Part one and Part two), that you are expecting photos of the living room…. but you’re gonna have to wait… (Soon…. I promise!).

So, instead, I am excited to show you the newest updates to the center hall.

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Oh Yes We Did! – The Big Black Reveal (Part I – A Sea of Bliss)

Back in January I wrote a post (Embracing Black and the End of Mediocrity) in which I declared war on the status of mediocrity in a mini manifesto of sorts. I declared that I was going to embrace my true self and express my individuality (with my husband Yoav’s blessing) and basically not give a sh*t what people think about our home and how we have it decorated.

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Detail Matters – New Legs, New Look

Detail MattersI don’t always have big things to write about, but there are often little things which I think are important enough to warrant their own post. To fill that niche, I am creating a series of posts to called Detail Matters.

God is in the details….. This phrase brings to mind my design ethos. Basically it is saying that attention paid to small things has big rewards, or that details are important.

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The Big Oops and the Big Fix – Center Hall, Part I

Hi folks! I am still here! Yoav and I just got back from a much-needed vacation in Arizona (my first time traveling more than 100 miles from NYC in 19 months!). Now that we are back, we are getting full swing into working on the apartment. Each weekend is devoted to projects, sometimes one big one, sometimes lots of small ones. We have much to write about and reveal, but all in due time as much of what we are working on is still in progress. But I promise some super amazing stuff soon…. In the meantime, here is an update on one of my favorite spaces in our apartment, our center hall.

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Material Objects – Marble Clock

Material ObjectsI would like to say that I am not materialistic, but that would be a lie, and I am not a good liar. And while I may not have any want for status objects desired most by others (fancy cars, jewelry, designer clothes, etc…) I do have a strong sense of aesthetics and a strong opinion that end user experience is of utmost importance. Form should follow function and sometimes that function is to just look beautiful.

So from time to time, I plan to do a post about a material object that I have obtained (or lusted after) and this is my first post about a material object.

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